Beginning Swedish (Scand 1)

Nybörjare svenska
måndag-torsdag (Monday – Thursday)
Kl. 10.00 – 10.50
Höst Termin (Fall Quarter)

Instruktur (Instructor): Kimberly La Palm
Kontor (Office): Royce 332A
Kontorstimmar (Office Hours):
tisdag/torsdag (T/Tr) 12.00-1.00

Kursens mål (Course Objectives):

This course will introduce you to the fundamentals of Swedish language and culture. It will provide you with the tools you need to be able to communicate in an everyday context. You will be able to talk about yourself, your family, your home, your interests and discuss topics such as food, travel and shopping. The communicative approach is designed to achieve a high degree of interaction in the classroom and should make immersion into the Swedish language and culture enjoyable and relevant. The class will be conducted primarily in Swedish with an emphasis on all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. To succeed in this course, you must participate actively, which means preparing for and attending class daily and speaking as much Swedish as possible.

Betyg (Grading):

20% Deltagning (Participation): Daily attendance and active participation are crucial to your progress. Coming on time, being prepared, doing activities, answering questions, and speaking Swedish as much as possible are all part of participation. If you know you are going to miss a class, please notify me in advance.  We only have 42 class meetings – as such, I have to be strict about attendance and you will only be allowed 2 absences before your participation grade is affected.

25% Hemläxor (Homework): You can expect to have homework every day. It is not my goal to bury you in grammar exercises, but rather to ensure that you are spending time outside of class practicing the language everyday.  Late assignments due to absences (up to two) will be accepted the day you return to class. Late assignments will not be accepted at any other time.

20% (Miniprov) Quizzes: A quiz will be given at the beginning of class every Thursday (except for the week of the midterm). The lowest quiz score will be dropped. You will not be given extra time to complete the quiz if you arrive to class late and you will not be allowed to take a make-up quiz if you miss due to an unexcused absence.  Missed quizzes will count as a 0.

25% Prov (Tests): There will be one midterm in Week 5 and one final exam on Tuesday December 11 from 3-6pm. The final exam will be cumulative (It will not, however, be designed to take three hours. That would be evil.)

10% Muntligt prov (Oral Exam): There will be an oral component to the final exam, which will be discussed in depth at a later date.

***To request academic accommodations due to disability; please contact the Office for Students with Disabilities. If you have a letter from OSD indicating that you have a disability that requires academic accommodations, please present the letter to me so we can discuss the accommodations you might need in this class. ***


Vecka 1
alfabet, siffror (en, ett, många)
tisdag:            tid, tidsuttryck
onsdag:          dagar, månader, årstid
torsdag:         Miniprov och kulturdag

Vecka 2
verbs – present (verbgrouper)
tisdag:            frågaord (ordföljd)
onsdag:          arbetsdag
torsdag:         Miniprov och kulturdag

Vecka 3
verbs – preterit
tisdag:            verbs – supine
onsdag:          arbetsdag
torsdag:         Miniprov och kulturdag

Vecka 4
verbs – futur
tisdag:            verbs – hjälpverb
onsdag:          arbetsdag
torsdag:         Miniprov och kulturdag

Vecka 5
tisdag:            review
onsdag:          Midterm Exam

Vecka 6
familj och slakt
tisdag:            possesiv pronomer
onsdag:          arbetsdag
torsdag:         Miniprov och kulturdag

Vecka 7
tisdag:            prepositioner
onsdag:          arbetsdag
torsdag:         Miniprov och kulturdag

Vecka 8
tisdag:            köket
onsdag:          arbetsdag
torsdag:         Miniprov och kulturdag

Vecka 9
tycka, tänka, tro
tisdag:            färger
onsdag:          arbetsdag
torsdag:         Miniprov och kulturdag

Vecka 10
tisdag:            review
onsdag:          Film
torsdag:         Film cont…

Final: tisdag en 11 december kl. 15-18

You will be given a more detailed course schedule week by week, so that I can adjust the assignments and speed of the course based on our progress.